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New Quarter

A development of 500 homes in Bordon, Hampshire

Helping Build an Eco Community

RCP was involved throughout this exciting project with Barratt David Wilson Homes

  • Civil Engineering
  • Infrastructure Design
  • Drainage Design
  • Flood risk assessment
  • Architecture
  • Planning Drawings
  • Marketing Drawings
  • Technical Drawings
  • Working Drawings

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RCP was appointed by Barratt David Wilson (Southampton) during the early stage of their involvement on this scheme from the preliminary due diligence to support contractual negotiations through the Reserved Matters planning submission, detailed design and construction support stages of the scheme.

RCP introduced various innovative design solutions to the scheme such as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) , using rain gardens and bio-retention areas to promote active “green” road corridor providing both a functional and ecological solutions to treating surface water run-off.

Engineering Scope of works

  • Engineering Due Diligence support during the Contractual negotiation stage between Barratt David Wilson and the Homes and Community Agency (HCA)
  • Planning Support during the Reserved Matters Stage, which involved engineering input to the detailed site layout and production of technical designs and reports relating to drainage, finished ground levels, flood risk, highways appraisal and utility servicing of both the residential, commercial and educational parcels of the overall development.
  • Detailed Civil Engineering Design included the design on the onsite residential infrastructure roads, drainage, utilities as well as the offsite highways works associated with the new road junctions access and a traffic calming scheme within Station Road


Marketing Floor Plan Designs
Road Development & Drainage
Technical Architecture Plans
Flood Plane Investigation

Technical Drawings


We work with the largest home builders in the UK providing technical excellence and experience


We have been awarded a Quality Award Certificate under ISO 9001.


Our team specialise in the design of infrastructure; will provide flood risk assessment as well as offering full support throughout


Our architectural teams will help interpret and develop your project in partnership with your team of consultants from your planning scheme

As always, excellent work on a very demanding project!

Gary Webster - Technical Director

Barratt / David Wilson Homes