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Delamare Road

Redevelopment of brownfield land with Inland Homes

Brownfield Development in Broxbourne

RCP have been appointed by Inland Homes in support of the redevelopment of the brownfield land at Delamare Road in Cheshunt, Broxbourne.

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The quantum of development includes for a residential-led mixed use development including basement parking and servicing comprising up to 1,853 apartments (Use Class C3 (Including elderly accommodation)), 18,000 sqm (GIA) of commercial floorspace including business (Use Class B1) and retail (Use Classes A1, A2, A3 and A4), a two form entry primary school, up to 1,050 sqm of community and leisure uses (Use Classes D1 and D2) and the creation of a new local centre plaza and link access from Windmill Lane, plus associated works for landscaping, flood attenuation, works to existing waterways, parking areas, pedestrian, cycle and vehicular routes.

The existing site is located within Flood Zone and 3 and which comprised of the former Tesco Head Offices.

RCP scope of services included for the provision of a supporting chapter for the Environment Impact Assessment as well as the production of a site-specific flood risk assessment, which included for a fluvial flood compensation scheme, emergency flood plan as well as the production of a surface water drainage strategy with Sustainable Drainage Systems to compliment the development needs.


We work with the largest home builders in the UK providing technical excellence and experience


We have been awarded a Quality Award Certificate under ISO 9001.


Our team specialise in the design of infrastructure; will provide flood risk assessment as well as offering full support throughout


Our architectural teams will help interpret and develop your project in partnership with your team of consultants from your planning scheme

Flood Extents
Proposed Flood Risk Mitigation